Network marketing is a strategy that can take any company and individual to a much higher level that they currently are, but this can only happen when network marketing is clearly understood. Companies need to understand network marketing, and marketers and distributors need to understand it too. When these two parties get the right understanding of network marketing, then consumers will understand and appreciate network marketing.
One of the major reasons why people misunderstand network marketing is the fact that they have friends or relatives who have been in it before, and they have failed miserably. Others have relatives and friends who have lost a lot of money on network marketing schemes that turned out to be scams or frauds. This gives them cold chills every time network marketing is mentioned to them.
They therefore get the wrong perception of it, and they also become biased against every product sold by network marketing, no matter how good it may be. Most people miss out on products that could change their lives simply because it is sold through network marketing. It is shocking to know that if these same people would find the same products on the shelf of the convenience store, they would believe everything the product is said to be, and they would purchase it without any question.
Another thing that makes people have the wrong understanding of network marketing is the fact that network marketers are known for bothering and being insisting, such that they become a nuisance. They are very pestering in telling you to either buy the product or join the network or do both – at the same time, in the same stride. So, when a person sees a network marketer approaching, they run in the opposite direction, hoping to turn and see him no more. But like a shadow, the marketer follows the person till he “catches” them or is callously turned away by the person.
The first thing one need to do is to have a clear understanding of what network marketing really is. It is a strategy used by companies whereby instead of using the normal supply chain which uses middlemen, a distributor network is used. Therefore, absolutely no middle men are used, and no commercial advertising by the company is done.
As a result, the supply chain is a manufacturer – distributor – consumer chain. The middle men excluded include the transporter, distributors (depots and warehouses), wholesalers, retailers and others like advertisers, sales people and promoters.
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