How do you know if you are addicted to porn? This is a question that many people ask themselves but are sometimes too embarrassed to ask a professional. Is there a difference between being interested in pornography and being addicted to it?
Porn addiction, like all other kinds of addictions, develops over time. It often starts as a curious interest in pornographic material on the Internet or on movies and gradually becomes an obsession; often without the person involved realizing that it has become a serious problem.
There are some indications that you maybe addicted to porn. Checking your own thoughts and attitudes as suggested by counselors, would help you or your loved ones to identify if there is a problem, and to seek solutions to it.
There are some key questions to ask yourself and to be extremely honest in answering. Think about how watching porn makes you act and feel. Do you find yourself unable to resist the urge to watch a film or navigate to a website? Does watching porn give you a sense of intimacy and pleasure? If you answered yes to these questions you may like to consider these questions.
· Is watching the porn something you keep secret from others?
· How has watching the pornographic material affected the way you approach your own sexuality? Have you found your sexual preferences changing since you started to watch the material? Is there abuse involved?
· What else is going on in your life? Is there pain in your life and do you use the material to help deaden your pain?
· Do you indulge in watching pornographic material in preference to developing a strong sexual relationship with a partner?
Experts agree that all of these are good indicators that all of these are good indicators of an addiction or other compulsive attraction to pornography.
If you are concerned that you are addicted to porn, as with all addictions, there is help available. For some people, pornography addiction is just a passing phase and there can be embarrassment when they realize that it has become more than just something that they are curious about.
Making excuses is a normal reaction to explain this type of temporary phase, however with time and continued excuses, addiction becomes more of a probability and if this concerns you, seek the help of a counselor, before it affects your world.
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