Saturday, 8 January 2022

How to Apply for Commercial Loans

The application process of getting a commercial loan can be quite daunting, especially if you aren’t sure what you’re getting yourself into. People always assume that it’s the same as the process you go through to get personal loans. But it is quite a different process all together.


Waiting can be frustrating, there is lots of paperwork coming and going and it’s a long time before you can get your loan approved. 


One common way to do it is to use a broker. So read this:- 


When you submit your loan application, the reviewer, who is usually called a loan officer, will check all the paperwork you have submitted. He will check your credit history, income statement and collateral. If you need to submit additional paperwork the loan officer will let you know, you will then have to resubmit the application. 


Usually loan applicants have to provide extra information when it comes to certain types of loans such as, a loan for purchasing commercial real-estate. For this you will need to submit things like area environmental reports, area maps and appraisals. 


When all the necessary paperwork is gathered together in a loan packet, it is sent to a number of leading institutions, who will check the documents and decide if they should be approved.


This process can be made easier if you use a broker. A broker may be able to make things proceed more speedily for you. You application will then be checked by loan committees or underwriters. They will provide you (the applicant) with a letter. 


This is called the ‘letter of intent’ it is just a preliminary-document which helps you (the applicant) and the potential money lender to decide what exactly is desired by both parties. This is an underwriting process. Extra paperwork might be needed, but it depends on the situation. It usually takes about a week for the decision to be made. 


The underwriter is always the best person to contact when you need to negotiate important offers and terms. Things like, interest rates and the repayment period. 


After the money lenders make their offer, you will need to go through the offers and choose the one which is the most attractive in regards to your business. Once you have chosen an offer that you like, you will need to sign your name to the ‘letter-of-intent’ from the bank you have decided on. Extra fees and deposits may also be necessary to finish the process of your loan application. 


If your loan has been approved a closing agent takes over and guides you through the many necessary formalities in order to close the deal. Once all the paperwork is finished, you’ll get your loan money as a check or it will be made over by direct debit, depending on what you have agreed on. 

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