Sunday, 31 October 2021

What Is Guilt And Why Does It Hold You Back From What You Want To Do

Let’s talk about guilt? It’s not a great feeling, is it? By definition, guilt is feeling of deserving blame for something. Often it’s a good check mechanism and a state of mind that we want to avoid. It moves us to action and gets us to do “the right thing”. Think back on your student days. Not doing your homework and lying about it made you feel guilty. That in turn ensured that you turned in your homework the next day and kept doing it going forward. Not a bad thing for your academic career. 


But sometimes guilt can be a bad thing and something that holds us back from achieving the things we want out of life. We feel guilty about spending time and money on growing a side business. We take away precious time from our loved ones to attend a live event. We don’t get to tuck the kids in at night because we’re going back to school. It’s easy to fall into the guilt trap even when we know what we’re doing is important and worthwhile. 


In short, like so many other things in live, guilt can be a positive thing, something that motivates you and gets you to work towards your goals and things you want to get done, or it can be the thing that’s holding you back. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to your feelings of guilt and ask yourself if it’s productive or if it’s holding you back. 


Over the course of the next seven days we’re going to dig deep and take a look at those guilty feelings, examine then, and then do something about it if they turn out to be feelings that hold you back and keep you from loving yourself and doing what you really want to do. 


Here’s the big problem with guilt. Sometimes it stops you from doing what you want to do as we discussed already. At other times it’s causing you to hold back and not give it your all. If you feel bad about missing dinner with the family, you’re not going to be fully present and committed in that client meeting or the class you’re taking. The guilt you’re feeling is keeping you from committing fully and giving it your all. 


It’s also taking a lot of the joy out of whatever it is you are doing. This may not seem like a big deal at first glance, but it takes a lot of the positive energy and drive out of your sails. It’s that energy that makes you push a little harder, try a little longer, and do all the little, seemingly insignificant things that make all the difference in the end. 


The guilt also gives you an easy excuse to give up. Life isn’t easy and any goal worth reaching takes work and effort. Sometimes it’s easier to give up than to keep pushing hard, solve problems, or resolve conflicts we’d rather avoid. That guilty feeling may be just the excuse you were looking for to justify giving up. By addressing these feelings of guilt and working through them, you can greatly improve your chances of reaching those goals and crafting the life you really want for yourself and your loved ones. 

Inspire Others To Pay It Forward

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Kindness is contagious?” Most sayings like this come to become widely known because they’re based in truth. Research has found scientific evidence for the fact that kindness can spread in various ways. You’ve surely experienced or witnessed instances in which someone has paid it forward or a movement has spread based on one person’s good deed. In today’s post, I’d like to explore this concept further and show you just how far-reaching the concept of helping others can be. 


Both Giver and Receiver Benefit


Everyone benefits from random acts of kindness. The giver feels good and gets that “helper’s high” from going out of their way to brighten someone else’s day. The recipient enjoys the surprise of an unsolicited positive outreach. We all appreciate when someone is nice to us. These good feelings tend to create a cycle because those involved want to continue feeling good. The giver gets a rush from helping someone and will often be motivated to keep giving in various ways. The recipient wants to share the rewards they’ve just gained. They may feel an obligation to “pay it forward”, but they know they will experience a reward, as well. 


Observers Experience Benefits, Too


Even if you’re not directly part of an act of kindness, you can benefit. A phenomenon known as “moral elevation” exists that ensures good deeds will spread. It works by creating positive feelings when certain events are triggered within the peripheral and central nervous systems. These neurophysical connections are made when someone witnesses or hears about an act of kindness or feel-good story. The high or euphoric feeling you then get motivates you to want to do something good, as well, perpetuating the pay-it-forward cycle. 


Evidence in Social Learning Theory


Social learning theory is the study of the ways in which groups interact. Its core principles are based on the fact that people will behave in similar ways to which they see those in their peer group or how their families behave. It’s sort of the “monkey see, monkey do” or “birds of a feather” philosophy. Therefore, when children grow up in a family in which kindness and compassion are the norm, they are more likely to display those traits also. Just as when teachers demonstrate and emphasize to their students a core philosophy of doing good, this standard will be the precedent among the class. Kindness is essentially contagious when groups continually perform such behavior. 


You can make a difference in your small corner of the world by simply performing random acts of kindness. Science and centuries of anecdotal evidence backs this up. Be the change you wish to see and encourage the people around you to do good deeds. You’ll begin to see an impact.

Use Your Voice To Make A Difference

There are so many ways to reach out and be kind to others. We’ve discussed doing so in big ways and with the simplest of acts. Today, I’d like to explore some of the ways you can use your voice to make a difference in the lives of those around you. We all have preferred communication methods. Using your preferred approach can make performing random acts of kindness less stressful or intimidating. Keep reading to discover what I mean. 


Verbal Methods


Some of us are good at using our actual voices to convey meaning. Talking is the way we most like to communicate. If this sounds like you, try to capitalize on that fact. Tell someone they’re doing a great job. Call your loved one up on the phone to let them know you’re thinking of them. Go visit your neighbor to check in and make sure they’re all right. Those who are outgoing and love to talk have lots of ways they can engage in random acts of kindness. 


Written Options


Other folks might feel intimidated about actually speaking to those in a way that makes them feel vulnerable. You might deal with social anxiety or be more introverted by nature. If that’s the case, there are still plenty of ways to show others you care and brighten their day. Maybe you’re a good written communicator. If so, send an email of thanks to a co-worker. Write a quick note on a post-it to surprise your child. Submit a review of a colleague on LinkedIn or leave a lovely blog comment for your favorite online personality. These are all great. 


Artistic Expression


You don’t actually have to use your voice at all if you prefer to be more creative in your good deeds. You can volunteer to draw a mural for your neighborhood. Perhaps teaching an art class at the local community center or volunteering to paint with residents of a nursing home might be enjoyable for you. Using your creative gifts are also fantastic ways to make your voice heard in a meaningful way for others. 


Body Language


Finally, another example of a way to communicate good will is in the subtle art of body language. A smile, hug or simply being present can make a huge difference in someone’s life. It’s okay to tell someone who’s going through a difficult time that you’d like to be there for them even if you don’t have the words or know-how to improve their life. Physically being near is a great comfort to many. That might be something you’re comfortable in doing. We can all give someone a smile or encouraging nod, at the very least. 


Consider these ways of giving back through your words or other forms of language. There are truly no limits to the ways we all can perform random acts of kindness. 

Make a Big Impact On The World Around You

We’ve talked a great deal about the ways that small acts of kindness can have powerful results. They can truly change someone’s outlook and brighten their day. Today, I’d like to move on to discuss ways to give back and share with others that involve more effort. If you have the time, money or other resources to give, there are a lot of ways to make a big impact on the world around you. These types of activities may not be for everyone, but they’re certainly worthwhile if you are able to take part in them. Let’s explore some of the large-scale random acts of kindness you can take on if you want to provide in a grand way. 


Start or Participate in a Fundraiser


Fundraising is important and can benefit a number of causes, from individuals in need to assisting the victims of natural disasters. Spearheading or even taking part in an established movement can entail a great deal of work and commitment. The results are usually tremendous, though. If you want to help someone in a big way, setting up or helping with a fundraiser is a great way to do it. You could rally everyone at your school, office or community to get involved. It’s also possible for your movement to reach a national scale, depending upon your resources and public interest.


Create a Foundation or Nonprofit


Another way to see results on a big scale is to set up a charitable foundation or nonprofit organization. You can benefit a particular cause through your efforts, and the number of people it’s possible to help is impactful. In order to do either of these activities, you will likely need a large amount of money and the help of experts like lawyers and financial advisers. However, it is possible to obtain grants or other funding backers to help you. There may be fewer limits than you think. 


Participate in Philanthropy


Volunteering is something you can do in your free time on occasion. Many people do this. It can also be undertaken at a larger level. You could take on the effort of establishing a crew of volunteers, perhaps from your work or just among friends, to help out a particular cause. Sometimes the benefactors of such volunteerism are individuals or families who are experiencing a difficult time. Other times, an existing organization can reap the rewards of your efforts. Volunteering on a large-scale may seem intimidating, but it’s not so bad when many people pitch in. You just might be the motivational leader to make it happen. 


If you’ve ever felt compelled to make a difference in a big way, consider one of these options. Some extra effort, dedication and resources can result in a random act of kindness that goes beyond anything you ever imagined.

Random Acts of Kindness Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated or Expensive

One thing I’ve learned along the way to becoming proficient at performing random acts of kindness is that it takes practice and creativity. I’ve already shared some ways for you to get started on your own do-gooder practice, but you still may not be convinced. Doing something for others doesn’t have to take much effort at all. It also doesn’t have to cost a dime. Let’s take a look at some ways you can reach out and brighten someone’s day in the easiest way. You can never have too many good examples. 


  • Smile at a stranger. 
  • Encourage someone who’s struggling.
  • Give a word of praise to someone who’s least expecting it, like your boss.
  • Hold the elevator for someone who’s in a rush.
  • Read a child a story.
  • Listen to someone’s complaint.
  • Say a heartfelt thank you.
  • Share a friend’s creative work on social media.
  • Call someone you haven’t talked to in a long time just to say hello.
  • Leave a blog comment when you read a post that truly resonates with you.
  • Offer a homeless person your leftovers from a restaurant or bagged lunch.
  • Tell a frazzled parent what a good job they’re doing or how well-behaved their child is.
  • Give someone a hug if they say it’s okay to do so.
  • Offer to return someone’s shopping cart.
  • Share a kind word with the customer service representative, either on the phone or in-person.
  • Give up your seat to someone standing on the subway or bus.
  • Write a short message of thanks or encouragement to a co-worker, your partner or random stranger. 
  • Say hello to a homeless person.
  • Introduce yourself to a new neighbor or co-worker.
  • Make introductions between your contacts if you feel they could benefit each other or get along well.
  • Let someone merge in front of you when driving in heavy traffic.
  • Offer to take on someone’s work task if you have time and they seem swamped.
  • Give someone a ride who doesn’t have a car.
  • Make amends for past wrongs to someone who was once in your life.
  • Agree to an activity you might not enjoy just because someone else will love it.
  • Invite someone to your holiday celebration if you know they’ll be alone. 
  • Share your expert knowledge with someone who has questions and has asked for advice. 
  • Write a recommendation on LinkedIn.
  • Offer to pick up items for others when you’re heading out to grab lunch or run an errand.
  • Recognize someone for their good idea or contribution during a work meeting.


Okay, now are you ready to get out there and start sharing random acts of kindness? All of these are super-easy, low-effort and free ways to brighten someone’s day. You can do it!

Try Doing A Random Act Of Kindness Today

Even after getting the previous list of ideas to get you started, you still may not be convinced you’re ready to go out there to spread unexpected joy in the world. I can understand that. Giving without a special occasion or particular reason feels foreign. You may worry about the reaction you’ll receive. Let’s explore some of these issues so you can move on from your comfort zone and try a random act of kindness today. 


About Random Acts of Kindness


Kindness goes beyond simply being nice. Being kind is selfless. It requires empathy and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. In our busy modern world, we’re often consumed with hectic schedules and too many commitments. That can make it difficult to look outside of ourselves and consider the needs of others. Random acts of kindness require you to take the leap and do just that. These selfless acts are to be performed on behalf of others for no other reason than to make their day better or improve their mood.


What’s Holding You Back? 


There are lots of things that could be keeping you from sharing random acts of kindness with others. Many people feel insecure about putting themselves out there and allowing themselves to be vulnerable in this way. It takes courage and self-confidence to give freely to another with no agenda or particular reason. You’ll probably overcome this comfort once you begin to practice doing little acts here and there. Sometimes people feel themselves to be unworthy. They may think others wouldn’t receive their gift without suspicion. It can be risky to take such a leap, but the rewards are usually worth it. Most recipients are quite enthusiastic and happy to get such a surprise. Maybe you just feel too wrapped up in your own needs that it seems impossible to spare anything for anyone else. Usually, you’ll find this not to be the case once you start to give. 


Step Out of Your Comfort Zone


Doing random acts of kindness take you out of your own little world and allow you to connect with others in meaningful ways. This can have a very powerful effect on you, your recipient and anyone who sees or comes in contact with your efforts. Performing unsolicited good deeds adds positivity to the world around you. It will rarely have negative repercussions. Try taking just one small step outside your comfort zone to give to another in even the smallest of ways. Then try something a bit more daring the next day. Each positive response will increase your confidence. 


Are you ready to start performing random acts of kindness today? Hopefully, you’ve given some thought to what’s holding you back and feel enthusiastic about all the ways you could enhance the lives of those around you. 

Examples of Random Acts of Kindness To Inspire You

Performing random acts of kindness may be new to you, so it’s possible you have no idea how to begin. That’s okay. Coming up with ideas can be tough. That’s why today’s blog post is packed full of things you can do to make someone else’s day a little brighter. Some of the activities will cost you nothing and take only a moment of your time. Others will be more in-depth. Choose whatever fits your comfort level and the occasion. Enjoy these examples of random acts of kindness to inspire you. 


  • Hold the door open for the person behind you whose hands are full. 
  • Allow the shopper in the grocery line move ahead of you if you only have a few items and their cart is full. 
  • Check on an elderly neighbor or shut-in. 
  • Donate your old clothes to charity. 
  • Tape change to a parking meter or vending machine.
  • Give the new employee a tour of your work area or offer to sit with them at lunch.
  • Volunteer. At a nursing home, a homeless shelter, a soup kitchen, your kid’s school, anywhere. 
  • Adopt a child or family during the holidays to give gifts to. 
  • Send a get-well card to someone, or even a card for no reason whatsoever. 
  • Ask for donations to your favorite charity instead of presents for your birthday. 
  • Smile at someone on the street. 
  • Give an unsolicited compliment.
  • Pay for the person behind you in line at the fast food restaurant or drive through. 
  • Let the manager of the store know when an associate gives you exceptional service. 
  • Leave kind notes in the dressing room to encourage body positivity. 
  • Offer to babysit for parents who really need a night away or to help with the nightly feedings for a new mother friend.
  • Clean up the trash in your neighborhood or at your favorite outdoor recreation spot like a park or beach. 
  • Visit a nursing home just to spend time with those who rarely receive visitors or to bring treats for the residents. 
  • Send a note of thanks to someone who’s made a big difference in your life. 
  • Pay for someone’s layaway who hasn’t made a payment in a long while. 
  • Fundraise by participating in a 5K, walk or other sponsored activity.
  • Shovel the driveway for elderly neighbors or those who may otherwise have trouble doing the job themselves. Mowing lawns and raking leaves are also good ideas.
  • Mentor a young person entering your profession
  • Help someone stranded on the side of the road. 
  • Take the time to listen to someone who is having a bad day.


Hopefully, this quick list will inspire you to begin sharing random acts of kindness with those around you. Pick one from the list or come up with an idea of your own, then just do it. See how you feel. Chances are you’ll be ready to do another one tomorrow.

What Are Random Acts of Kindness & Why Do They Matter

You’ve probably been the recipient of a random act of kindness in your lifetime. Think back to an instance in which someone has helped you out of a tough situation when they could see you were having difficulty or when a friend simply paid you a compliment out of the blue. A sweet surprise like this can really make a difference. Did you also know such experiences can also be good for your health and overall well-being? It’s true. A random act of kindness can be a good deed, caring word, selfless act or small gift. Even a smile can brighten someone’s day. Take a look at some of the benefits of random acts of kindness. 


Encourage Gratitude 


Doing something nice for someone else can make you feel grateful for your blessings. This is especially true when the recipient of your act is less fortunate than you or in a tough spot. When you realize you’re able to give even the smallest bit of yourself to someone else, it shines perspective on the abundance you have in your life. 


Lower Stress


Stepping out of ourselves in order to focus on someone else is another great way to gain renewed perspective. Plus, doing good just makes you feel better. It releases feel-good hormones and increases your happiness. Suddenly, your troubles may seem a bit less burdensome. 


Improved Mood


Numerous studies have shown a positive effect on mood when people engage in random acts of kindness. You’re bound to feel better about life in general when you do good deeds. Improved mood, less anxiety and higher energy levels have all been linked to the performance of random acts of kindness. In fact, research has demonstrated that the pleasure and reward centers of the brain actually light up in those who perform these acts in much the same way as they respond in the recipients. It even has a name, and that’s “helper’s high”. 


Less Pain


You might even feel physically better when you practice kindness. It’s been proven that endorphins are released in the brain after doing something for someone else. Endorphins are hormones produced in the brain and nervous system. They’re often referred to as natural painkillers for their pain reducing abilities. 


Better Relationships


When you do something nice for another person, they will naturally recall that act with fondness. Random acts of kindness promote good feelings among people and increase connections. These bonds can lead to better relationships and lasting positive interpersonal results. 


These are merely a handful of the rewards that come from doing random acts of kindness. Remember, it doesn’t matter how small the gesture. Doing good always makes a positive difference to both the giver and the recipient. 

Five Must Have Supplies That Should Be Part Of Your Disaster Preparedness

No matter where you live, what your personal situation is, or what type of disasters you may be facing, there are some basic supplies everyone should have on hand “just in case”. Here are five things that you should stock and store at all times to make sure you can make it no matter what live throws at you. 




Let’s start with the most important and most urgent item on the list – water. You can make it a surprisingly long time without food, power, and all sorts of other stuff. You can’t make it very long without a reliable source of drinking water. 


We’ve become so reliant on our faucets that it’s easy to forget that we should store water for a few days whenever something happens. One of the first things you should do when you’re prepping for an imminent emergency is to store some water. Buy a few bottles or gallons at the store, or fill up containers at home. Keep a water filter, or a little Clorox on hand to keep water drinkable for longer time periods. 


Non-Perishable, Ready-To-Eat Food 


While human beings can go a surprisingly long period of time without food, involuntary fasting isn’t particularly pleasant. Keep a few ready to eat foods in your pantry at all times including peanut butter, crackers, protein bars, and canned foods that you can eat without heating. It helps to stick with items that you eat on a regular basis, so you can rotate through this food store and don’t risk having it go bad. 


In addition, start to stock up if the time of year approaches where natural disasters can occur. Don’t forget to bring some of this emergency food supply with you when you need to evacuate. You can’t always rely on others to provide you with food and stores and restaurants along the way may be closed. 


Weather Radio 


The next important item that makes it on the list is a small battery-operated weather radio. Keep a set of spare batteries with it as well. This is important because you will need the latest weather and government updates as well as news. Don’t rely on your phone and the internet as your only source for information. The network could go down or overload. This makes an important backup. 


Flash Light And Batteries 


Things always seem worse in the dark, don’t they? And not just that. It can be downright dangerous to move around outside, or even inside your home without a reliable source of light. Candles will work in a pinch, but they also bring the risk of setting your surroundings on fire. Instead make sure your kit includes several flash lights and spare batteries. Headlamps are particularly helpful when you’re trying to move around get stuff done. 


First Aid Kit 


Last but not least, let’s talk about a first aid kit. The size of your kit will depend on the size of your family. Start with a standard kit available at your local store and then add any and all medications you and your loved ones take and need. Check this kit and the rest of your disaster supplies regularly to make sure you’re prepared when you need to grab your supplies and leave quickly. 

What Emergency Supplies Do You Need In Your Disaster Kit?

Let me ask you something? Do you have a disaster kit? If not, it’s something you should work on right away. You never know when you’ll find yourself in a situation where you have to manage without power, internet, or the ability to head out to the store to buy what you need. 


Food And Water 


Store at least a gallon of drinking water per person per day. Aim for supplies that last you three to eight days depending on the situation you’re in. In the case of a major weather event or other natural disaster, it may take a while for rescuers and supplies to make it to your area. 


The same goes for food. Stick with non-perishable food items that you can eat without any cooking or preparation required. Protein bars, bread or crackers with peanut butter, nuts, and canned goods are all great choices. Don’t forget about utensils including a manual can opener for your kit. 


Medical Supplies And First Aid 


If you require prescription medication, stock up as much as you can ahead of time. You don’t want to risk running out. As you put together a basic emergency kit, include some first aid items so you can treat minor aches and pains as the need arises. While you’re at it, throw a few wet wipes and some mouth wash in there. Being able to clean up will make you feel much better. 


Clothing And Bedding 


If you are getting on the road, or sheltering somewhere outside your home, it’s important to have clothing and bedding to make it until you can get back home. Since many natural disasters can pop up quite quickly, it’s a smart idea to make a small pack of clothing part of your emergency kit. Throw in a couple of pieces of underwear, a pair of pants, a couple of shirts, and you’re good to go. Remember, this isn’t your travel wardrobe. This is the dire emergency stuff you have in your kit “just in case”. 


Adding a small pillow, a sheet, and a light blanket is also a good idea. Keep it in your car when the situation warrants it. 




Aside from food and water, communication will be your biggest concern in an emergency event. You need to know what’s going on and you are going to want to get in touch with loved ones. Start with cell phones and chargers. They should be a high priority item that makes it into your emergency at the last minute. You may also want to keep a backup power supply or extra batteries for your phones in the kit. Make sure they are charged as well. 


Don’t rely on just your smart phone. Having a weather radio in your kit along with some spare batteries is always a good idea. You should also keep a list of emergency contact information including addresses and phone numbers in there along with some old-fashioned maps. They will come in handy when the wireless system fails, or your phone dies. 


Miscellaneous Supplies 


Last but not least let’s talk about some miscellaneous stuff that will come in handy. If you have a baby or pet, make sure you have plenty of supplies to keep them happy and healthy. Stock up on diapers, make sure you have a pet carrier and leash, and don’t forget about food and water for everyone, including pets. If you’re traveling or evacuating with a pet, check on places that will allow you to bring your furry friends. 

A small kit with some plastic bags, tarps, duct tape and a few basic tools will also come in handy if you need to fix a leak or broken window. In short, be prepared and ready for anything. 

Survival Food Storage Will Come In Handy During A Disaster

When you are sheltering in place, are planning on staying in a shelter, or even dealing with the possibility of being stuck out on the road, having food and water is your top priority in any disaster situation. You can make it without power, and a lot of creature comforts, but you can’t survive without food and water. 


Emergency food storage doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. In fact, it can be mainly comprised of items your family is already eating. Before you go out and start buying all the water, bread, and milk you can get your hands on, figure out how long you want to prepare for. Having at least a week’s worth of food and water stored up can be a great idea during a natural disaster. Keep in mind that you not only have to ride out the storm itself, but that it may also take extra time before help and supplies can make it to you. 


Start with your water supply. Hopefully you will continue to have running water, but don’t depend on it as your only source of drinking water. Buy water bottles, or fill up milk jugs, soda bottles and the likes to ensure you have enough clean water to safely drink for a few days. You can make it much longer without food than without water. This should be your number 1 priority. 


Next think about non-perishable food that your family will eat. Choose food that you can eat as is. Crackers and peanut butter are a good choice, as are canned beans, soups, and the likes. Canned tuna or chicken makes for a great protein source. Bread is another good option along with your favourite non-perishable sandwich toppings. Don’t forget about things like granola bars, protein bars, nuts or beef jerky that you can eat right from the package. 


If you have a camping stove, or a grill outside, you may also be able to heat and cook some foods. Instant oatmeal, coffee, hot chocolate mix, soups, and even instant rice are great options if you have the ability to heat water when the power goes out. 


Last but not least, stock up on some favourite treats like chocolate, chips, pretzels, cookies and the likes. It will make getting through those tough disaster days a little more bearable. 


Start with a list of things that you know your family will eat and things you’ll use up even when you don’t need them during a disaster. From there, start to round it out with things that will keep you full and healthy and pick those up as needed. For example, you may eat canned vegetable or chicken noodle soup regularly, but aren’t a big fan of tuna. Keep a small supply of the soups in your pantry at all times (rotating through them as needed), and pick up a few cans of tuna as needed. 


Talk to your family about your survival food supply and let them have input into what you should stock and keep as well. It will give them a sense of control and responsibility and of course ensure that everyone is happy with the meals available when things get serious. 

Make An Emergency Preparedness Plan For Your Family

Let’s face it. Sooner or later your family will encounter a natural disaster or similar emergency event that requires you to jump into action to stay safe and sound. Doing so will become much easier when you go in prepared and with a plan. Here are three basic questions that you should ask yourself to formulate an emergency preparedness plan for your family. 


Where Will You Go? 


The first question you need to ask yourself is where you will go when an emergency arises. Will you stay at home and shelter in place? Will you head out of town and evacuate? If you are heading out, where will you go and where will you stay?


These are important questions and you don’t want to make those decisions when you are in the middle of a disaster. Those are stressful times and it can be hard to make smart decisions quickly in those situations. A big part of your emergency preparedness plan should be to think through possible scenarios and then get the information you need ahead of time. For example, figure out what routes you can take to get out of the area, determine where you want to go if possible, and then get the contact information for a hotel or the people you’ll be staying with. 


How Will You Stay In Touch? 


There is nothing scarier than not being able to get in touch with loved ones during a disaster or emergency event. Just as important is being able to get news and emergency alerts or announcements. Think about how you will accomplish this both while you’re on the road and when you’re staying in your home or emergency shelter. 


Making sure everyone has a mobile phone is a great start. Don’t forget that these devices need to be charged. Having chargers, including car chargers with you is a must. An additional battery, or a backup power supply will come in very handy as well. 


Be conservative with your device usage to make the battery power last as long as possible. It’s important to talk to your kids about this ahead of a disaster and remind them regularly. 


Don’t rely on just your smart phone for news and communication. A backup plan will come in handy when you can’t get a good connection or run out of power on your device. Designate a meeting point or a person that everyone contacts when you can’t get a hold of each other. Have a backup solution for finding out what’s going on like a weather radio. 


What Supplies Do You Need? 


The more prepared you are, the safer and more comfortable you’ll be when the inevitable happens. Depending on what natural disaster you face, where you live, who is part of your family, and simple things like weather will determine the supplies you need. 


Start with the basics you need for survival including food, water, shelter, and medication. Don’t forget about your pets. From there, start thinking about creature comforts like light, entertainment, and the likes. Having a headlamp and a good book can make waiting out a power outage a lot more pleasant. Add a cup of hot chocolate made with a camping stove, hot water, and instant cocoa mix makes it even more pleasant. Be prepared and you’ll greatly increase your chances of making it through the emergency or disaster just fine.

Do You Know What Disasters You Should Be Prepared For?

It doesn’t matter where you live, chances are that sooner or later you’ll face some sort of a disaster that will leave you without power, water, or access to buy more. It could be a natural disaster like a hurricane, snow storm, flood, tornado, or earthquake. Or it could be a manmade disaster that has the power grid failing or requires you to stay put in your home for a few days or even weeks. The world can be a harsh place, but there’s something we can do. We can prepare for the disasters most likely to occur in our area. 


Your first step in your own disaster preparedness should be to find out what types of emergency situations you need to get ready for. Take a few minutes to review the types of disasters your area is prone to. This is particularly important for natural disaster. If you live in Florida or the South Easter US coast, you should prepare for hurricane season. If you live in the North East or south of the Great Lakes, you should get ready for big snow storms. If you’re in the Mid-West, or South West, chances are you’ll come across a tornado or two. In California, you may prepare for earthquakes. 


Next, think about possible man-made disasters. If you live near a dam, you may need a plan of action for flooding. If you live near a nuclear plant, you should think about a way to get out quickly if something were to happen at the plant. You get the idea. What disasters we prepare for will be different for a lot of us and what sort of emergency plan you have will depend on those variables. 


Once you have your list of disasters that you need to prepare for, it may be a good idea to consider if and when you would try to prepare to stay at your home and ride it out, and when it may be time to evacuate. Obviously, those decisions may be outside of your control, such as in the event of a mandatory evacuation, but there will also be plenty of times when the decision is up to you. 


Think about what makes the most sense to you and your family. If you are able to stay put, you can take care of issues as they pop up and prevent further damage. If a storm blows out a window, you can board it up and prevent water from coming in for example. At other times, it may be safer and more convenient to get out of the disaster’s way. For those cases as well as mandatory evacuation, think about where you would go. Do you have family or friends you can stay with? If that’s not an option, look into an area you may want to travel to and get the numbers of a few hotels. Things move fast when a storm hits and evacuations are ordered. You don’t want to waste time on trying to make those decisions then and lose out on a hotel room for yourself and your loved ones. Shelters should always be a last resort. Trust me, it’s not the most comfortable place to make it through a disaster. 

Make Cross Sales And Consider Higher Priced Products

The hardest part of selling online is finding customers and getting them to make that first purchase with you. It takes the most time, effort, and nurturing. You have to work hard to build a relationship with these people so they start to like, know, and trust you. Once that’s done, and they buy the product, the hard part is over. Provided your products are good, they’ll be happy to buy from you again and again. Yet so many of us are solely focused on market to new potential customers, when could be increasing our profit margins greatly by making offers to existing customers. 


Of course, this is hard when you are first starting out. If you only have one product, you can’t really get your customers to buy something else from you. That’s ok. We all have to start somewhere. I do however encourage you to set aside a little time each week to work on developing a related product. Think about what your customers need next, or what else they could use to help them reach their ultimate goal. Keep adding new related products to the mix while also focusing on bringing in new customers on a regular basis. That’s where steady growth and income happens. 


As you launch each new product, you will make more and more cross sales. At least a portion of people who bought product A will also buy product B. Then as you start to market product B outside your current customer list, new people will join the mix and they may be interested in product A. The end result is more sales and more sales per customer with each product you launch. 


But that’s not the only thing you can do. If you’re ready to really step up your income, consider adding some high-ticket products. One of the easiest one to put together is a bundle. Once you have a handful of products launched, bundle them together and offer that as your first higher-priced product. Even people who’ve bought one or two of them will jump on the bundle sale when you price it right and especially if you include a couple of exclusive bonuses. 


Another great option is to offer coaching or training. This works particularly well for “how-to” products. The initial offer is the eBook or training course. The high-ticket product is time with you where you answer questions and guide them through consuming the information. This can be in the form of emails or instant messages, phone calls, or video conferences. You can set it up as a group coaching where you work with a handful of people at the same time, or individual coaching. 


Last but not least, you may want to consider “done for your” services. If your info product is about installing a particular software for example, you can offer an upsell or high-ticket service of installing and customizing it for them. The idea is that your customers go into it with the idea of doing it themselves and once they read your info, they realize they’d rather pay someone to do it for them. 


Think about this today and come up with at least one high-ticked priced idea that you can implement over the coming month. Then get it up for sale and start profiting big from your customer list.