Tuesday 21 September 2021

Top 10 Anti-Cellulite Foods


These wavelets located on the buttocks, thighs and sometimes even the belly or arms are an obsession for many women. Large, small, lean or fat, almost all women are concerned about cellulite, that greasy clump that lodges under the epidermis. What on your plate can help you get rid of it? Let's take a short tour of the foods that can become the greatest enemies of these beauty naysayers. Zero complexes is our goal!


1.    Pineapple


Pineapple is one of the most effective foods to fight cellulite. It contains a "fat burning" enzyme, bromelain, which helps to evacuate fat cells. But be careful, do not overdo it because, since it is a fruit, it contains sugar. Be sure to limit yourself to two servings per day. As for pineapple juice, avoid it!


2.    Beer yeast


It is found in most supermarkets and is easy to use: brewer's yeast is rich in potassium and activates lymphatic drainage. Sprinkled on a salad, thus creatively topped, beer yeast is also excellent for your nails and hair. So, why deprive yourself of it?


3.    Green tea


This is probably the best known drink to eliminate unsightly rings. Indeed, its diuretic virtues, due to the tannin that it contains, make it possible to eliminate water, which is essential in getting rid of cellulite, very often related to water retention and poor vein-lymphatic circulation. Tea time, a ritual to be established every day.


4.    The cabbage kale


Cabbage kale is a crucifer also called 'the curly green cabbage.' It is a low-calorie vegetable (50 calories per 100g), but a rich one in fiber. It contains calcium, potassium and vitamin K, but also antioxidants such as vitamin C, as well as a large amount of flavonoids: all it takes to make cellulite disappear. To be consumed cooked or raw. Who would have believed it: this vegetable is one of your best allies against cellulite.


5.    Coffee


In order to say farewell to the splotches and orange skin, you can turn your attention towards coffee. Contrary to what one might think, it is not the drink, strictly speaking, that interests us, but its leftovers. The coffee grounds retrieved from the filter have amazing virtues. Once dried, mix them with sweet almond or argan oil, and then use them to scrub the affected areas. Caffeine will destock the adipose cells and slow the production of fat cells... What else?


6.    Lemon


Drinking lemon juice in the morning is a habit that more and more people are taking to. This citrus fruit has, indeed, many benefits, such as quelling hunger and putting a stop to your snacking. But its other benefit is its draining and detox action that helps prevent water retention.


7.    Parsley


Parsley is an aromatic herb well known to cooks and it brings flavor to many dishes. What few people know is that it prevents the storage of fat through its diuretic and detoxifying action. So do not hesitate to add a good helping of it into your salad.


8.    Birch juice


Still very little known, this drink, made from a decoction of pale green birch leaf, has many benefits. This beverage, which comes from northern Europe, is to be taken as a cure. Rich in vitamin C and magnesium, it helps to regulate your mood and has properties that are detoxifying, diuretic and depurative, thus coming to the rescue of your silhouette.


9.    Red fruits


Red fruits like raspberry or strawberry have a great antioxidant power. They act very well against cellulite and help to avoid the appearance of the unsightly spots. Good news, you can also enjoy them after summer, as they retain their properties even when frozen. Here's to you, verrines, coulis and fruit salads!


10. Onion


We can no longer keep count of the benefits of the onion, there are so many of them. This vegetable, reputed for making you cry when you peel it, can nevertheless give you a smile by making your cellulite disappear. Known for regulating the absorption of sugar and removing fats and toxins, it helps purify the body by eliminating water. Consume it cooked preferably, it will be more digestible and its flavonoid content will increase and thus release a greater concentration of antioxidants.

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