Almost everyone in America is familiar with the television weight-loss show The Biggest Loser. Many people may not be familiar with their diet program. This article will give you the 411 on everything you need to know about The Biggest Loser Diet.
Follows A Diet Protocol
The Biggest Loser Diet follows a specific diet protocol that they call “The Biggest Loser’s 4-3-2-1 Pyramid. This pyramid allows a participant four servings of fruits and vegetables, three lean protein servings, two whole grain servings and one discretionary calorie allotment of 200 calories.
They also want you eating 5-6 times per day. The theory that The Biggest Loser proposes is that you will keep your hunger and blood sugar level by eating frequently.
On this diet, you will avoid caffeine (coffee drinkers may want to stay away from this one). However, you are required to drink 6 – 8 glasses of water a day.
The Good Points
We have to give it to The Biggest Loser they really are putting an emphasis on healthy servings of fruits and vegetables. Allowing four servings of each will help keep you full and gives you plenty of vitamins and minerals.
The Not So Good
The Biggest Loser program stays away from fat. All the protein is lean. While this may be great for someone who is required to be on a very low-fat diet, such as those with high cholesterol or heart disease, many people may find the absence of fat hard to deal with. Fat increases satiety in those who are dieting especially when it comes from good sources like cold-water fish, nuts, avocados, and wild game.
In addition to being a very low-fat diet, this diet can cause you to dip below the 1200 calorie range on any given day. Eating below 1200 calories can cause nutrient deficiencies and even end up interfering with weight loss as the body may respond to perceived starvation, and react by hording calories.
Will I Have To Exercise?
Absolutely. Exercise has always been a big part of The Biggest Loser brand, and they did not leave it out of their diet protocol either. The exercise can become problematic for those who end up eating on the low end of the calorie range, as you may not have enough fuel to run your body.
Consult a doctor for a recommended weight loss calorie target before eating under 1200 calories when exercising.
Is It Hard?
The hardest part about this diet protocol is the simple lack of calories. Some people may find themselves unsatisfied because of the lack of fat and the lack of caloric intake. When the body goes unsatisfied for long periods of time, you may end up overindulging (even when you didn’t mean to.)
If you like to eat frequently then this diet is right up your alley. The frequency that people are allowed to eat on The Biggest Loser Diet may make up for the lack of caloric intake and the lack of fat consumption.
For the average person, this diet is going to be difficult to maintain over a long term. If you enjoy the support offered up by The Biggest Loser program, then you may just need to increase your servings of grains and proteins until you get to a more realistic weight loss calorie intake.
Does It Work?
Absolutely. If you follow the protocol set forth by The Biggest Loser, you will lose weight. It is a hard program to follow that requires high levels of exercise and low amounts of calories. Because of the combination of exercise and low caloric intake, you are sure to drop weight.
Don’t be surprised though if you fail to lose weight as those on the television show do, and actually, such rapid weight loss is not typically recommended by experts, slow and steady ensure success for lasting weight loss control. Stick with your healthy eating and exercise and you will soon be on your way to a healthy weight.
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