Monday, 13 September 2021

5 Ways Hypnosis Helps Stress


Stress is divided into two types, the good, and the bad. The good kind is the acute variety that raises your heartbeat, elevates blood pressure, and gets you on the alert. It can happen during a meeting, your kid’s soccer game or when you’re driving and someone cuts you off.  


The adrenaline starts pumping in your veins and your thinking becomes sharper, your reflexes faster. However, the good kind of stress goes away after a while and adrenaline levels return to normal, blood pressure stabilizes.


Now let’s talk about the second type. The bad type of stress is that which is chronic, and leaves you worn out and exhausted because it’s doesn’t stop. It wreaks havoc on all your bodily systems, sometimes even to the point of manifesting itself in chronic diseases. Being exposed to cortisol and other stress-related hormones for long periods of time may lead to the following:


  • Concentration and memory problems
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Higher risk of heart disease
  • Weak immune system
  • Depression
  • Type-2 diabetes
  • Digestive problems
  • Cancer
  • Body aches and pains
  • Loss of energy


There are many ways to treat stress. It usually entails meditation, low-impact exercising, or massages to get us to relax and unwind and de-stress. 


But that’s just dealing with stress on the surface. If you really want to get a handle on your anxiety, you have to dig down deep and pull out the weeds by the roots instead of just trimming the top part.


That’s what hypnosis does. Hypnosis is one of the least-understood therapy techniques, despite the fact that it has helped with many physical and mental ailments.


What are some of the benefits of using hypnosis to treat stress?


1. It’s time-efficient. One of its benefits is that hypnosis can get right to the source usually during the first session, which is quick compared to other methods of treatment.


2. Gets to the bottom of things. Through hypnotherapy, you can pinpoint the trigger behind your stress and anxiety. It could be due to a negative past experience, a certain situation that left its mark, or a chronic disease that’s the cause. Regardless, your therapist can help you diagnose and treat your stress through hypnosis.


3. It heals the ‘whole’ you. Hypnosis treats the body, mind, and soul as one entity and treats the entire package.


4. It’s gradual. What a hypnotist does is first ask the patient to name what their feeling. Then they’re asked to put their hand on where that feeling hurts in the body. This way, people recognize on a basic, human level, that what they’re feeling in their minds is manifesting itself in their physical form. So in order to get rid of that, they have to release the stress from their body. And the only way they can do that is to face that their feelings head on without fear or trepidation.


5. You’re in control. In spite of what many claim or believe, during hypnosis, you’re awake and remain conscious the entire length of the session. The only part the licensed hypnotherapist, someone whom you trust, plays during the session is to guide your suggestions of how you’re feeling, where it hurts, and how to get rid of the pain. Other than that, the person undergoing hypnosis stays conscious and in control the entire time.


The reason why hypnosis is successful is because when you’re in a trance, you’re in a state of deep relaxation. That’s when the brain is open to suggestions. It’s a way of unlocking the potential of changing negative thoughts into positive ones, break free of that debilitating pattern, and learn how to react in the face of adverse situations.


Hypnotherapy can help you change your perception of certain stress-triggers in your life. And since stress is created through your thoughts and perceptions, this method of treatment has yielded great results by lowering the levels of anxiety and reduces stress. By doing so, you’re on your way to a happier, healthier, more balanced you.

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